Official Imagine if... Fringe Events
View the exciting fringe festival lineup for Imagine if… hosted by the community on March 1 – 3
The following events are part of the Imagine if… official Fringe Festival. These events are third party organised by friends of Imagine if… and our amazing community, and therefore Imagine if… is not responsible for the content and material included in them. We will be attending these fringe events ourselves, and look forward to seeing you there!
March 1 2021
The Nevergrey Patreon Community Meetup
Organised by Nevergrey (the office of Sir Ken Robinson)
A livestream celebration for Nevergrey’s patrons and supporters who have joined us in creating official content for the legacy of Sir Ken Robinson and have helped shape Imagine if…
LIONS Live - The New Creator's Toolkit
1PM - 5PM GMT | Organised by Cannes Lions
It’s time to look forward. Where do you see yourself a year from now? Progress is made by those who take the harder path, and continue learning in the ongoing search for something exceptional. LIONS is here for every step of your creative career – providing the things you need to drive you forward.
Welcome to LIONS Live – The New Creator’s Toolkit. A week of lessons, guides, and resources that focus on your next steps in your creative journey. LIONS Live is both live and on-demand from the 1st of March, and packed to the brim with different skills, advice and insider training.
Londonderry City of Culture: How a City Reimagined Itself
4PM GMT | Organised by Derry City of Culture
Ten years on from Sir Ken Robinson’s visit to the city, key players reflect on Londonderry’s global success as the first ever UK City of Culture. With tangible, learned advice on how to create a thriving, creative community this session features an exclusive talk from Sir Ken Robinson, and contributions Sir Phil Redmond, CBE Chair of the UK City of Culture; John Kelpie, DCSDC Chief Executive; Jennifer Neff, CEO & Co-founder of Elemental; Marty Melarkey, Director Nerve Centre; and Noelle McAlinden, Educator, Artist and Activist. Hosted by Aideen McGuinley, with closing remarks from Sir Ken’s daughter, Kate Robinson.
Imagine if… children were truly allowed to think for themselves
4PM - 5PM GMT | Organised by Flying School
The panel will include teachers and parents and people with a background in the ‘Thinking Environment’. We are hoping that this discussion will generate ideas on how we can help children think for themselves at home and in the classroom. We will also take questions from attendees.
People Fall in Love
All Day | Organised by Forest of Imagination
Spoken word poetry with Toby Thompson & Slam Out Loud
Instagram live with the Big Draw
6PM GMT | Organised by Forest of Imagination
Clare Day in conversation with Kate Mason @THEBIGDRAW
Imagine if...we could use creativity and play for children to build resilience after covid.
8PM GMT | Organised by Dr Naomi Fisher
This event will bring together theory and practice to show why using creativity and play with children is important and how parents and educators might go about doing so.
A night dedicated to the life and legacy of Sir Ken Robinson (spoken in Bulgarian)
6:30PM GMT | Organised by The (im)Possible education Festival
We are The (im)Possible education Festival, Frene school, “Biotiful” farm, Professional forum for education and the ROI communication (publisher of 3 of Sir Ken Robinson’s books) and we are joining forces to create a night dedicated to the life and legacy of Sir Ken.
Schedule: Briefly present ourselves, what the event represents and why we are holding it Watch Sir Ken’s TED lecture “Do schools kill creativity” and discuss it together A brief activity to stimulate creativity Invite all the participants to write their ideas in on the subject “imagine what if…in education” Discussion of 1-2 of the ideas – after voting in padlet on the most preferable idea Draw a name of one person who will receive as a gift the book “You, Your Child, and School: Navigate Your Way to the Best Education” Conclude with what’s next After the event we are going to send to the participants a “Sir Ken Robinson resource sheet” – compilation of videos, the names of the books published in Bulgarian, articles, documentaries, etc. The sheet will also be freely shared in the Facebook event.
Fallen Feathers
All Day | Organised by Forest of Imagination
Fallen Feathers is for all the songbirds. Lots of us have been enjoying birdsong in lockdown, but sadly songbirds are in decline and some on the verge of extinction.
March 2 2021
LIONS Live - The New Creator's Toolkit
1PM - 5PM GMT | Organised by Cannes Lions
It’s time to look forward. Where do you see yourself a year from now? Progress is made by those who take the harder path, and continue learning in the ongoing search for something exceptional. LIONS is here for every step of your creative career – providing the things you need to drive you forward.
Welcome to LIONS Live – The New Creator’s Toolkit. A week of lessons, guides, and resources that focus on your next steps in your creative journey. LIONS Live is both live and on-demand from the 1st of March, and packed to the brim with different skills, advice and insider training.
Exploring creative bravery in the underground
5PM GMT | Organised by Hanneke Scott-van Wel
Imagine if creative bravery was nurtured in every education system. Come and join the Creative Bravery Collective as we go underground to explore an ecosystem where creativity can flourish, where the soil is nutritious, and where the seeds of sustainable change can grow. Share your insights, listen to stories, make new connections, and expect the unexpected. Being brave isn’t easy, it requires a tribe – come find yours.
Provocation Moon
Organised by Forest of Imagination
Three artists discuss how the moon has inspired them with Clare Day
Text / Texture / Textile
Organised by Forest of Imagination
Virtual workshop – an invitation to respond to texture through text and / or textile with Jess Palmer and Jo Backhouse
Fundatia Noi Orizonturi
4PM GMT | 6PM GMT +2 Organised by Fundatia Noi Orizonturi
A live debate between teachers and students from Romania
Imagine if... you were in a folk tale
10AM - 6PM GMT | Organised by London Metropolitan University, School of Computing and Digital Media
One-day game jam to develop prototype digital game based on a folk tale of your choice – aimed at students studying game development at London Metropolitan University – but open to anyone who would like to take part in the challenge. We’ll provide technical support and advice, as well as enabling small team formation and linking artists, musicians and programmers. We will finish with short presentations of work-in-progress and games will be showcased online.
Don’t stop till you play enough
3:30PM - 4:30PM GMT | Organised by Effervescent UK
“This is an instagram live conversation between three experts coming together from their very own playing field. Katherine Mengardon is an education strategist dedicated to bringing more creative spark to children education and the author of the Little Inventors books. Yesim Kunter is a renowned play expert and futurist who helps companies to embrace a playful mindset – even Lego! Eloise Malone is the founder of Effervescent, a social good agency that creates campaigns for young people with young people.
Together they want to explore how to explode the way we talk to and teach children and transform their learning experience by nurturing their creative and social confidence, and why we need to develop a curriculum of creative thinking, but built from a child’s perspective, with adults as facilitators of knowledge.”
Imagine if we never stopped playing?
2PM GMT | Organised by Playful Nature
For the last 7 years, Berlin based Playful Nature has been exploring and experimenting with the practices and principles of play. What are the key ingredients to inspiring play? How can we be playful in our life and in our learning? We will talk about these questions, share our work creating participative play installations, and offer an interactive Zoom session of “String Theory”. Participants should bring one thick piece of colourful string, yarn or small rope. (45min)
TEDxBath Countdown
All Day | Organised by The Forest of Imagination
A four part documentary on how the local community of Bath is responding to climate emergency.
[Parts of the documentary – Urgency (6:10 – 11:39) / Leadership (21:14 – 31:03 / Transformation – 31:03 – 40:44 / Breakthroughs 44:59 – 51:40].
March 3 2021
Imagine If... all learning in a new paradigm was centred on learners.
10AM GMT | 11AM CET | Organised by Learn Life
Join us as we host learners in conversation with learning designers and paradigm pushers talking about what self-determined learning has done for them.
We’ll then facilitate some interactive provocations to get the audience/participants imagining what it would look like in their own environments.
LIONS Live - The New Creator's Toolkit
1PM - 5PM GMT | Organised by Cannes Lions
It’s time to look forward. Where do you see yourself a year from now? Progress is made by those who take the harder path, and continue learning in the ongoing search for something exceptional. LIONS is here for every step of your creative career – providing the things you need to drive you forward.
Welcome to LIONS Live – The New Creator’s Toolkit. A week of lessons, guides, and resources that focus on your next steps in your creative journey. LIONS Live is both live and on-demand from the 1st of March, and packed to the brim with different skills, advice and insider training.
Imagine if... finding your Creative Self could Change your Life
2PM GMT | Organised by Susan Hillyard for SHELTA
This is a practical, experiential on-line workshop for anybody who wants to explore their inner life and sense of creativity to find their ELEMENT and so change their life.
You will meet people from around the world who also want to change everything and re-imagine education.
Join us to have lots of creative fun and leave with high energy to change the world for the better.
Imagine the World that Curious, Creative, Collaborative Learners Will Build
Organised by Slate School's Education Idea Lab
In celebration of the life and legacy of Sir Ken Robinson, an event in honor of the global festival of Imagine if…
With Eric Davis, Richard Gerver, Wendy Ostroff, Bobbie Macdonald and Keith Sawyer in conversation with Julie Mountcastle
What teaching for creativity could look like in the classroom
4:45PM - 6PM GMT | Organised by A New Direction
Join us in this webinar to explore ways to develop young people’s creativity in the classroom through the curriculum. A New Direction will discuss how we have worked with the cultural sector to develop a new suite of resources designed to develop five habits of creativity – Imaginative, Inquisitive, Persistent, Collaborative and Disciplined – based on the work of Professor Bill Lucas.
Imagine if deep play outdoors was a compass for becoming human.
7 PM GMT | Organised by Forest School Network
Here at Forest School Network, we believe that creativity and imagination are the keys to unlock the potential of all people, especially the next generation who will be faced with challenges that, today, we can’t even imagine. Sir Ken challenged us to imagine a better future by asking questions and exploring our motivation for doing the work we do. The proposition we will be exploring for our fringe event is ‘Imagine if… deep play outdoors was a compass for becoming human.’ We will be joined by inspirational speakers who will be sharing their thoughts on this topic and giving members the chance to discuss and ask questions. Join us to celebrate and reflect on Sir Ken’s enduring legacy and ask where we go from here?
The legacy of Sir Ken Robinson – taking up the challenge for a new educational paradigm
2PM - 3:30PM GMT | Organised by Self Managed Learning College
Sir Ken Robinson was clear that just tidying up the current educational system won’t do. We need a new paradigm that replaces the factory model of schooling. There are glimpses of what this could look like. We can look at such glimpses and consider what is needed to make this happen. One theme is the need to develop communities of learning.
Dr Ian Cunningham of Self Managed Learning College in Sussex will kick off the session and then open the topic up for discussion.
Dreaming The Future Awake
8PM - 9:30PM GMT | Organised by School of Sophia
Come join this experiential and guided online event. We’ll go on an imaginative journey with a short guided meditation as we bring our group into even greater heart coherence, then have time and space to share and connect with others in breakout groups. Please do bring a journal, something to write with and some paper and colours (think pastels, crayons, paints). We will be getting creative together. This event will be held online, is totally free and a gift from our hearts to yours, but pre-registration here is essential.
Education does not stop.
2:45PM GMT | 11:45AM GMT - 3 |Organised by Ministry Of Education of Tucuman, Argentina
A live conference discussing the challenges and opportunities in the context of Covid-19 pandemic
IdeaJam tribute
Organised by Canadian Network for Imagination and Creativity
Initiated by representatives from Simon Fraser University, the University of Ottawa and the Atlantic Centre for Creativity to unleash and promote imagination and creativity across all fields of endeavor – including the arts, sciences, business and education.
Creating the Student Ready University, In memoriam of Sir Ken Robinson
4PM GMT | 5PM CET | Organised by EUGLOH Alliance
This panel discussion will explore how prepared EUGLOH Universities are for the next generation of students. A university campus offers the complex interplay of a learning, support and development ecosystem. It consists of many functions and behaviors that need to be aligned to enable student success. This panel discussion will show how EUGLOH engages with students, meets their expectations and enables their success.
Creativity, Arts and Culture in Education | Teaching for Creativity
4PM - 5:30PM GMT | Organised by Tybed
This is a network/discussion event by Tybed and House of Imagination. We started these sessions in October 2020, inviting a different speaker to share ideas or give a provocation before going into breakout rooms to discuss and collaborate. Professor Bill Lucas is our guest next week, he will be speaking about Teaching Creatively.
Open mic memories of Sir Ken - Live from a cardboard Coventry Cathedral
7.30PM - 9.00PM GMT | Organised by SteamCo
The evening will be a free flow live stream in which anyone will be welcome to join a global conversation sharing memories of how Sir Ken’s inspiration, creativity and generosity touched lives, hearts and minds. It will include an open Zoom studio audience from where people will be invited to come live on the stream to share thoughts and memories.